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Peugeot Car Parts Brisbane

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Peugeot Wreckers & Car Parts

Peugeot is a French automotive company, officially founded in 1896. It began as a family business producing coffee mills and bicycles, moving into the steam tricycle and then internal combustion car. This was until family disputes caused a split in the company. Peugeot has been heavily involved in the motorsports industry for over 100 years and has received multiple awards and was ranked one of the most environmentally friendly manufacturers in Europe. Existing in almost 160 different countries Peugeots focus is on an award-winning combination of emotion, style and design, bringing customers both a rewarding and stimulating driving experience. Due to Peugeot’s heavy involvement in motorsports, quality Peugeot parts are highly sought after by boss wrecking.

Boss Wrecking

Boss Wrecking understands the importance of quality automobile parts and works endlessly to supply Peugeot spare parts to their customers. In business as a brisbane wrecker for over 25 years, our 9 Acre wreckers is your one-stop shop for all Peugeot spare parts. Working to beat competitors we offer all Peugeot parts at a great price. If you do need a new Peugeot part for motorsports or everyday driving then Boss Wrecking is the spot for you. Let us help find what you’re looking for.

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